


courtesy of yours truly

This is my messy drawing that I did on the iPad. I did it lying down on the bed, the iPad leaning on my knees. D sent it to my laptop unfinished though, but he really seemed to like it, even though it was just a doodle and a mess. He helped me a little bit, colouring in the detail on the roof on the far right, filling the car in with pencil and creating the rays for the sun.

I am really enjoying creating little doodles on the iPad. If I don’t like how something turns out, I can just erase it, which makes life so much easier.

D said he reckons I should do the illustrations for the posts on my blog. He doesn’t read my blog, because he can’t read to save his life, but he has noticed that I like to choose paintings to go with my words. He is very visual.

Well, he can read, but he just finds it mighty difficult, because he is dyslexic. I sometimes read his letters out to him or read some news articles he finds interesting.

Things aren’t so great, really, today. I have cried a lot, and my eyeballs are stinging. Old ghosts have been resurrected between my mum and I, and I have been very selfish in the past, and she can’t seem to let it go, and remembering all the horrible things is making me very upset and sad and uncomfortable. I think I will take her out on Monday so we can have a decent chat about it all. I am a bad daughter, and am not very good to my family. I need to be better.

18 thoughts on “Doodle

  1. I hope things have gotten better for you in the meantime. And I love your doodle… it’s a tremendous talent, not one to be taken lightly. And I’m very glad to have found your blog. You compose some beautiful and heartfelt writing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your drawing. It’s so artsy, and its “imperfections” (like all the slanted walls) are what makes it so unique and gorgeous.
    Good luck with your mom. I think that you are a good daughter, as N said. I mean, there’s always going to be room for improvement, but I don’t believe that you need to be so hard on yourself. Moreover, past is past; we were all immature when we were younger, anyways. Also, your relationship with your mom goes both ways, so don’t beat yourself about it if it’s your mother who is the one pushing you away. You seem like a really nice person, and I’m sorry that you’re going through all of this. I wish you the best in everything though~ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, thank you for this really kind and thoughtful comment, I do appreciate it lots. There is always room for improvement, you are right, and I think communication is really important. I wish you the best too! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this drawing SO much!!!

    And as a mom, my daughter(s) and I have not always seen things the same way, or agreed on decisions. Either theirs or mine. But I would never think of them as bad daughters. I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like your little doodle too 🙂 Very bright and happy 🙂
    And I hope things work out with your mom, I’m sure you’re not a bad daughter! Just the fact that you are worrying about your mom and all shows you are not a bad daughter..

    Liked by 1 person

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