Living in Crewe

Hello bloggers.

I have taken a short break from blogging. No, I haven’t. I just have not blogged for a while. I haven’t been busy, as such. Well, I suppose I have, in the grand scheme of things!

I have edited (finally) my husband’s 24,000 word dissertation. I even did some research on the history of cars, from the designs of Leonardo Da Vinci to the Model T created by Henry Ford. As a non car-enthusiast, I can honestly say I found it all immensely fascinating. What really stood out starkly for me was the revolution in all economic systems that was created by cars. Traffic control systems had to be created from scratch through trial and error, 60% of the deaths caused by careless driving and speeding, at a time when speeding was a concept nobody had ever heard of let alone contemplate, were children. The growth of the car industry was a tragic and nostalgic business. However it sure has saved us a LOT of time and hundreds of feet worth of horse manure! (I speak very literally here when I say hundreds of feet – in the year 1900 the horse population outnumbered the human population in New York city!).

I have also been working on my own dissertation, which is far less fascinating and a whole lot of nonsense, really. I am taking a creative analysis course, where I have to analyse creativity in language. All the theories are entirely subjective, so it’s a little tedious to hear somebody’s opinion on something and quote it as fact. In all honesty, I don’t think much of it at all. But shhh, don’t let my lecturers hear you say that! It would be a travesty and might potentially affect my final grade! The grade which determines the outcome of my degree! Huzzah! It could NOT come sooner, I tell you.

Britain is sunny, the dogs are barking cheerfully and sometimes suspiciously, and the small town I now live in is a piece of literal crap. *insert taped laughter*.

It’s called Crewe, in England, about an hour South-East of Manchester and two hours East of Liverpool and three and a half hours North-West of London. I could cycle the entire town in about fifty minutes, and walk it in around two hours. The people are remarkably racist and treat me as a second class citizen because of my olive complexion and my dark black hair. I know this because they give me English looks of disapproval (I do it myself so I KNOW) and they also make comments about ‘immigrants’ and ‘they shouldn’t let them in’. I am not an immigrant. My maternal grandmother was. So was my paternal grandmother. I am just a very diluted English person. Even if I was an immigrant, one oughtn’t to treat immigrants like that. It’s rude and unwarranted and plainly ignorant. Also inhumane. When I open my mouth they are often taken aback by the British accent. They are uneducated, pro-Brexit and against Islam, brown people, and immigration. They are also remarkably poor, and very uncivilised, often leaving their homes at 3am in their pyjamas (oftentimes without) shouting at each other and toppling bins over.

It isn’t all negative, though. The shop ladies are lovely, and my neighbours are a sweet Polish couple with a bubbly little blonde daughter. Once I was cycling on the road and my long cardigan got stuck in my chain (fashion over logic, in this case, ha ha!), so I had to stop and yank it out on the road. While I was thus occupied, a woman darted out of her house and asked if I was okay and did I need any help? I was mighty touched, thanking her for her kindness. Another time I got my chain caught (on nothing, this time), a couple of really shifty looking young men came up to me when I was trying to fix it. I panicked because they did look menacing, but one of them said, as they drew close, ‘You alright, love!? Need any help?’

I was pleasantly surprised by their helpful kindness. I suppose it isn’t all black and white, and there is some ying in this yang. Or was it yang in this ying?


18 thoughts on “Living in Crewe

  1. Hi Lenora. Trying to get started again blogging with the priority on visiting the good people of the world! Keep your head up … then again, some people make it difficult to do that. .. Meanwhile, given the horrors of the recent event in Manchester, my thoughts are with all Brits.

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  2. It sounds like the US these days. Half of the population is friendly, open and kind. The other half is full of criticism, fear, and negativity. Just keep smiling and being you. Good luck on your dissertation! Getting close, huh?

    Liked by 1 person

    • A lot of fear going around, Diana. But it doesn’t phase me anymore. I mean, I am just living my life and if people choose to pause their lives to be nasty, well, let them. There are no grounds for that and humanity always prevails. Thank you! Getting too close for comfort! 😛

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  3. If your dissertation’s as much fun to read as your blog, you’ll pass with flying colours. Crewe, eh? I had an ancestor who worked on the railways there. (Just a bit of useless information I thought I’d pass on).

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are a very kind and encouraging commenter, Curtis! Also, that is really interesting. Crewe is known for its railways and not much else. All my friends tell me ‘hey I know Crewe, my train stops there!’ because it has a huge station with many connecting lines, and yet the town itself is so small and dead. Do you know much about this ancestor?

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      • I absolutely did, on Wednesday when I was on the train. Never a thought is often spared for those people who created our routes to different places around the world. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be traversing the world as we do. It would be interesting, I think, to hear stories of how they laid tracks. It can’t have been an easy task.

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